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Korean food

Position: Home > Feast > Korean food

Korean food

Date: 2014-12-20
      Korean food is very distinct characteristics, Korean cuisine is light, less greasy, no MSG, nutrition, variety of healthy dishes.
       Korean spicy known, both Chinese and Japanese cuisine and delicious Cornish abundance of fresh fish, succulent dishes characteristic diet. Both delicate and elegant Japanese food, Chinese food benefits have thick, although the practice of eating becomes simple but with taste, all long and Bing rustic style, it is a rare delicacy. Korean food has a "weird colored," said: sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty; red, white, black, green, yellow. Tasted Korean kimchi, miso soup, bibimbap, ginseng chicken soup, roast beef and other South Korean guests are on the Korean food culture of "quintessence" unforgettable. Korean barbecue taste very discuss Chinese people's favorite. Korean cuisine with a reasonable selection of natural hormone meat pursue concise, to ensure adequate nutrition, not cause overeating.


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醬湯(田螺,鮮貝,花蟹,蝸螺 等等)????(??,??,???, ?? ??) 
泡菜湯(豬肉,金槍魚,秋刀魚, 魚餅,餃子 等等) 
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?:??????豆芽解酒湯 +????,?????,????,??,?????,??,*A 
?:???排骨煲+??,?????, ????,???,??,????,*B 
*A 早餐小菜 
**B 午餐小菜 
?:????? 水豆腐湯 
?:????? 煎霸魚 
?:??? 海鮮湯 
?:??? 辣肉湯 
?:???? 章魚火鍋 
?:??? 扇貝湯 
?:??????? 牛肉蘑菇火鍋 
?:????? 辣醬五花肉 
?::????? 土豆雞蛋湯 
?:????? 辣黃花魚湯 
?:???? 辣雞湯 
?:????? 海鮮魚餅湯 
?:???? 米糕餃子湯 
?:??? 蒸海魚 
?:???? 金槍魚湯 
?:?????? 西葫蘆土豆湯 
?:??? 明太魚湯 
?:???? 干白菜湯 
?:???? 紫菜包飯 
?:?? 魚子湯 
?:?????? 菠菜醬湯 